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Время в JS

Сообщений 1 страница 7 из 7


Скрипт для отображения времени:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  <TITLE>Время (час. мин. сек.)</TITLE>
  <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
  <script type="text/javascript">
   function startTime() {
    var today=new Date()
    var h=today.getHours()
    var m=today.getMinutes()
    var s=today.getSeconds()
    m=checkTime(m); s=checkTime(s)

   function checkTime(i) {
    if (i<10) { i="0" + i }
    return i

 <body onload="startTime()">
  <h1 style="text-align:center;font: bold 24px Arial,sans-serif; color:#FFCC66;;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000;behavior: url(byn.htc);}">
  <script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.title)</script></h1><div id="txt"></div>



Время до определенной даты:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  <title>Время до определенной даты</title>
  <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
  <script type="text/javascript">
   var before="the year 2020!"
   var current="Today is 2020.  Say hi to your grandchildren!"
   var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")

   function countdown(yr,m,d) {
    var today=new Date()
    var todayy=today.getYear()
    if (todayy < 1000) todayy+=1900
    var todaym=today.getMonth()
    var todayd=today.getDate()
    var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy
    var futurestring=montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr
    var difference=(Math.round((Date.parse(futurestring)-Date.parse(todaystring))/(24*60*60*1000))*1)
    if (difference==0) document.write(current)
    else if (difference>0) document.write("Only "+difference+" days until "+before)


  <h1 style="text-align:center;font: bold 24px Arial,sans-serif; color:#FFCC66;;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000;behavior: url(byn.htc);}">
  <script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.title)</script></h1>



Таймер по нажатию кнопки

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
  <title>Время Таймер через кнопки ВКЛЮЧИТЬ ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   var c=0;
   var t;
   var timer_is_on=0;

   function timedCount() {
    document.getElementById('txt').value=c; c=c+1; t=setTimeout("timedCount()",1000);

   function doTimer() {
    if (!timer_is_on) { timer_is_on=1; timedCount(); }

   function stopCount() {
    clearTimeout(t); timer_is_on=0;

  <h1 style="text-align:center;font: bold 24px Arial,sans-serif; color:#FFCC66;;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000;behavior: url(byn.htc);}">
  <script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.title)</script></h1>
   <input type="button" value="Start count!" onclick="doTimer()" />
   <input type="text" id="txt" />
   <input type="button" value="Stop count!" onclick="stopCount()" />
  <p>Click on the "Start count!" button above to start the timer. The input field will count forever, starting at 0. Click on the "Stop count!" button to stop the counting. Click on the "Start count!" button to start the timer again.</p>



Отображение время текстом

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
  <title>Время текстом</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   <!-- Begin
   function doFormalTime() {
    var myTime = new Date();
    var myHour = myTime.getHours();
    var myMinutes = myTime.getMinutes();
    var ampm = "";
    if (myHour >= 12) { myHour -= 12; ampm = "pm"; }
    Hour = new Array("час", "два часа", "три часа", "четыре часа", "пять часов",
    "шесть часов", "семь часов", "восемь часов", "девять часов", "десять часов",
    "одиннадцать часов", "двенадцать часов");
    myMin = myMinutes - (myMinutes % 5);
    if (myMinutes % 5 > 2) myMin += 5;
    var text = "Примерно ";
    switch(myMin) {
     case 0 : myHour--; break;
     case 5 : text += "пять минут назад было "; myHour--; break;
     case 10 : text += "десять минут назад было "; myHour--; break;
     case 15 : text += "пятнадцать минут назад было "; myHour--; break;
     case 20 : text += "двадцать минут назад было "; myHour--; break;
     case 25 : text += "двадцать пять минут назад было  "; myHour--; break;
     case 30 : text += "полчаса назад было "; myHour--; break;
     case 35 : text += "без двадцати пяти минут "; break;
     case 40 : text += "без двадцати минут  "; break;
     case 45 : text += "без пятнадцати минут "; break;
     case 50 : text += "через десять минут будет "; break;
     case 55 : text += "через пять минут будет  "; break;
     case 60 : break;
    if (myHour < 1) myHour++;
    if (ampm == "pm") { ampm = (myHour >= 4) ? " " : " "; }
    text += Hour[myHour] + ampm;
    return text;
   } //  End -->
  <title>Время прописью</title>
  <h1 style="text-align:center;font: bold 24px Arial,sans-serif; color:#FFCC66;;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000;behavior: url(byn.htc);}">
  <script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.title)</script></h1>
   var h=(new Date()).getHours();
   if (h > 4  && h < 12) document.write("утра");
   if (h > 11 && h < 19) document.write("дня");
   if (h > 18 && h < 24) document.write("вечера");
   if (h > 23 || h < 5 ) document.write("ночи");



Закрытие окна через определённое время

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <title>Закрытие окна через заданное время</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
  <script type="text/javascript">
   function Update() {

  <h1 style="text-align:center;font: bold 24px Arial,sans-serif; color:#FFCC66;;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000;behavior: url(byn.htc);}">
  <script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.title)</script></h1>



Изменение цвета фона при наведении спустя время

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Фон меняет цвет при наведении через заданное время CSS3</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">

 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
   #blok1 { 
    background-color: #808991;
    color: #FFF;
    cursor: pointer;
    -moz-transition: background-color 3s 1s ease;
    -o-transition: background-color 3s 1s ease;
    -webkit-transition: background-color 3s 1s ease;
   #blok1:hover {
    background-color: #FF0000;
    color: #000;
  <div id="blok1">фон изменяется через 1 секунду </div>



<h1>Генератор возраста и времени до следующего дня рождения</h1>

<script type="text/javascript">
function start() {
document.form1.day.value = "";
document.form1.month.value = "";
document.form1.year.value = "";
document.form1.age.value = "";
document.form1.months.value = "";
document.form1.weeks.value = "";
document.form1.answer.value = "";
document.form1.hours.value = "";
document.form1.min.value = "";
document.form1.sec.value = "";
document.form1.bday.value = "";
document.form1.milli.value = "";
function run() {
var ap;
dd = document.form1.day.value;
mm = document.form1.month.value;
yy = document.form1.year.value;
//if (yy < 1900)
//yy =+ 1900;
with(document.form1) {
ap = parseInt(ampm.selectedIndex);
hr = parseInt(hrs.value);
if(hr <= 0 && hr >= 13) {
ap = null;
if ((mm < 1) || (mm > 12) || (dd < 1) || (dd > 31) || (yy < 1) ||(mm == "") || (dd == "") || (yy == ""))
main = "Invalid";
if (((mm == 4) || (mm == 6) || (mm == 9) || (mm == 11)) && (dd > 30))
main = "Invalid";
if (mm == 2) {
if (dd > 29)
main = "Invalid";
else if((dd > 28) && (!lyear(yy)))
if((yy > 9999)||(yy < 0))
main = "Invalid";
main = main;
if(main == "valid") {
function leapyear(a) {
if(((a % 4 == 0) && (a % 100 != 0)) || (a % 400 == 0))
return true;
return false;
days = new Date();
gdate = days.getDate();
gmonth = days.getMonth();
gyear = days.getYear();
if (gyear < 2000) gyear += 1900;
age = gyear - yy;
if((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd <= parseInt(gdate))) {
age = age;
else {
if(mm <= (gmonth)) {
age = age;
else {
age = age - 1; 
if(age == 0)
age = age;
document.form1.age.value="  You are " + age+ " years old   &  ";
if(mm <= (gmonth + 1))
age = age - 1;
if((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd > parseInt(gdate))) 
age = age + 1;
var m;
var n;
if (mm == 12) { n = 31 - dd; }
if (mm == 11) { n = 61 - dd; }   
if (mm == 10) { n = 92 - dd; }  
if (mm == 9) { n = 122 - dd; } 
if (mm == 8) { n = 153 - dd; }   
if (mm == 7) { n = 184 - dd; }   
if (mm == 6) { n = 214 - dd; }  
if (mm == 5) { n = 245 - dd; } 
if (mm == 4) { n = 275 - dd; } 
if (mm == 3) { n = 306 - dd; }
if (mm == 2) { n = 334 - dd; if(leapyear(yy)) n = n + 1; }
if (mm == 1) { n = 365 - dd; if (leapyear(yy)) n = n + 1; }
if (gmonth == 1) m = 31;
if (gmonth == 2) { m = 59;   if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 3) { m = 90;   if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 4) { m = 120;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 5) { m = 151;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 6) { m = 181;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 7) { m = 212;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 8) { m = 243;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 9) { m = 273;  if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 10) { m = 304; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 11) { m = 334; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 12) { m = 365; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
totdays = (parseInt(age) * 365);
totdays += age / 4;
totdays = parseInt(totdays) + gdate + m + n;
document.form1.answer.value = "" + totdays +" days ";
months = age * 12;
months += 12 - parseInt(mm);
months += gmonth;
document.form1.months.value = months + " Months";
if (gmonth == 1) p = 31 + gdate;
if (gmonth == 2) { p = 59 + gdate;   if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if (gmonth == 3) { p = 90 + gdate;   if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 4) { p = 120 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 5) { p = 151 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 6) { p = 181 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 7) { p = 212 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 8) { p = 243 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 9) { p = 273 + gdate;  if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 10) { p = 304 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 11) { p = 334 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
if (gmonth == 12) { p = 365 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p = p + 1; }
weeks = totdays / 7;
weeks += " weeks";
weeks = parseInt(weeks);
document.form1.weeks.value = weeks + " Weeks";
var time = new Date();
ghour = time.getHours();
gmin = time.getMinutes();
gsec = time.getSeconds();
hour = ((age * 365) + n + p) * 24;
hour += (parseInt(age / 4) * 24);
if(ap == 0)
hour = hour - hr;
else {
if(ap == 1) {
hour = hour - (11 + hr)
document.form1.hours.value = hour + " Hours";
var min;
min = (hour * 60) + gmin;
document.form1.min.value = min + " Minutes";
sec = (min * 60) + gsec;
document.form1.sec.value = sec + " Seconds";
var millisec;
var gmil;
gmil = days.getMilliseconds();
millisec = (sec * 1000) + gmil;
document.form1.milli.value = millisec + " Milliseconds";
mm = mm - 1;
var r;
if(mm == 0) r = 1;
if(mm == 1) r = 31;
if(mm == 2) { r = 59;    if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m + 1; }
if(mm == 3) { r = 90;    if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 4) { r = 120;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 5) { r = 151;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 6) { r = 181;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 7) { r = 212;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 8) { r = 243;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 9) { r = 273;   if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 10) { r = 304;  if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 11) { r = 334;  if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
if(mm == 12) { r = 365;  if (leapyear(gyear)) r = r + 1; }
mm = mm + 1;
r = parseInt(r) + parseInt(dd);
if( mm > (gmonth + 1)) {
bday = r - m - gdate;
else {
if(mm == (gmonth + 1) && (gdate < dd)) {
bday = (r - m - gdate);
else {
if((leapyear(gyear)) && ((mm > 2) && (dd < 29))) {
a = 366;
else {
a = 365; 
bday = a + (r - m - gdate);
nhour = 24-parseInt(ghour);
nmin = 60 - parseInt(gmin);
nsec = 60 - parseInt(gsec);
if(((bday == 366) && (leapyear(yy))) || ((bday == 365) && (!leapyear(yy)))) {
document.form1.bday.value = "today is your birthday";
alert("Happy Birthday");
} else {
document.form1.bday.value = bday + " days " + nhour + " hours " + nmin + " minutes " + nsec + " seconds";
setTimeout("run()", 1);
function go() {
function lyear(a) {
if(((a % 4 == 0) && (a % 100 != 0)) || (a % 400 == 0)) return true;
else return false;
mm = parseInt(mm);
dd = parseInt(dd);
yy = parseInt(yy);
if ((mm < 1) || (mm > 12) || (dd < 1) || (dd > 31) || (yy < 1) ||(mm == " ") || (dd == " ") || (yy == " "))  main="Invalid";
if (((mm == 4) || (mm == 6) || (mm == 9) || (mm == 11)) && (dd > 30)) main = "Invalid";
if (mm == 2) {
if (dd > 29)
main = "Invalid";
if(( dd > 28) && (!lyear(yy)))
main = "Invalid";
else main = main;
if(main == "valid") {
var m;
if (mm == 1) n = 31;
if (mm == 2) n = 59 + 1;
if (mm == 3) n = 90 + 1;
if (mm == 4) n = 120 + 1;
if (mm == 5) n = 151 + 1;
if (mm == 6) n = 181 + 1;
if (mm == 7) n = 212 + 1;
if (mm == 8) n = 243 + 1;
if (mm == 9) n = 273 + 1;
if (mm == 10) n = 304 + 1;
if (mm == 11) n = 334 + 1;
if (mm == 12) n = 365 + 1;
if((mm == 1)||(mm == 3)||(mm == 5)||(mm == 7)||(mm == 8)||(mm == 10)||(mm == 12))
n += 31 + dd;
else if((mm == 4)||(mm == 6)||(mm == 9)||(mm == 11))
n += 31 + dd + 1;
else if(mm == 2) {
if(lyear(yy)) n += 29 + dd - 3;
else if(!lyear(yy)) n += 28 + dd - 1;
fours = yy / 4;
hunds = yy / 100;
fhunds = yy / 400;
var day;
day = (yy + n + fours - hunds + fhunds) % 7;
day = parseInt(day)
case 1 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Sunday"
case 2 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Monday"
case 3 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Tuesday"
case 4 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Wednesday"
case 5 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Thursday"
case 6 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Friday"
case 7 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Saturday"
case 0 : document.form1.age.value +="  you were born on a  Saturday"
else {
document.form1.age.value += main + " Date";
else {
document.form1.age.value = main + " Date";
document.form1.months.value = "";
document.form1.weeks.value = "";
document.form1.answer.value = "";
document.form1.hours.value = "";
document.form1.min.value = "";
document.form1.sec.value = "";
document.form1.bday.value = "";
document.form1.milli.value = "";

Введите дату Вашего Дня рождения
<FORM name=form1>
Date<INPUT name=day size=3> 
Month<INPUT name=month size=3>  
Year<INPUT name=year size=6>  
Hours<INPUT name=hrs value=00 size=6>
<select size="1" name="ampm">
<option selected>AM</option>
<INPUT name=start onclick=run() type=button value="Calculate">
<INPUT name=age size=55 value="Your age will be displayed here">
Вы живёте в течении:
<TABLE border = 0>
<TD>In months:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=months size=30></TD>
<TD>In weeks:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=weeks size=30></TD>
<TD>In days:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=answer size=30></TD>
<TD>In hours:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=hours size=30></TD>
<TD>In minutes:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=min size=30></TD>
<TD>In seconds:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=sec size=30></TD>
<TD>In Milliseconds:</TD>
<TD><INPUT name=milli size=30></TD>
Ваш следующий День рождения будет:
<INPUT name=bday size=40>